Geometric methods for shape analysis with applications to biomedical imaging and computational anatomyMS63

This minisymposium will focus on fundamental and applied aspects of shape analysis. Shape analysis remains one of the key problems to applications ranging from automatic object recognition to the field of biomedical imaging in which datasets typically involve multiple geometric structures with morphological variability. Modern methods are at the intersection of several fields in mathematics that span finite and infinite dimensional geometry, optimal control, optimal transport and statistical data analysis. The objective of the mininisymposium is to bring together researchers covering those multiple aspects to present recent ideas in the field and discuss new directions of interest for the community.

Barycentric Subspace Analysis, a generalisation of PCA to Manifolds
Xavier Pennec (Université Côte d'Azur and Inria)
Generalizations of Wasserstein metric and their applications to shape matching
François-Xavier Vialard (University Paris-Dauphine)
LDDMM models of a heart contraction
Sylvain Arguillere (Institut Camille Jordan)
Regularized optimal mass transport with applications to density matching
Martin Bauer (Florida State University)
Martin Bauer (Florida State University)
Nicolas Charon (Johns Hopkins University)
computer graphics, computer vision, image registration, image segmentation, nonlinear optimization, partial differential equation models