Contributed presentations in lecture or poster format are invited in all areas consistent with the conference themes.
A lecture is generally a 15-minute oral presentation with an additional 5 minutes for discussion. Talk lengths will be determined by the co-chairs at the close of submissions. Additionally, SIAM requests speakers submit only one lecture presentation for the conference, either a minisymposium or contributed lecture. Poster submissions are not restricted.
A poster involves the use of non-electronic visual aids for mounting on a 70cm x 100cm poster board. A poster session is two hours long.
Each contributor, either for a lecture or a poster, must submit a title and a brief abstract not to exceed 75 words.
The poster sessions are scheduled:
Tuesday, June 5 from 18:30 onwards in Building A (first and second floor) and B (ground floor).
Wednesday, June 6 from 11:30 to 13:00 in Building A (first and second floor) and B (ground floor).