Recent Advances in Mathematical Morphology: Algebraic and PDE-based ApproachesMS48

Mathematical morphology is a theory for the analysis and processing of geometrical structures that provides highly efficient tools for numerous signal and image processing tasks with a wide range of applications. Designed originally for binary and grey-value data, morphological operations have been generalised to process multi-channel and even matrix-valued data on regular grids as well as graphs. Traditional algebraic lattice approaches have been complemented by PDE concepts. The minisymposium will bring together scientists involved in these thriving developments to share ideas, discuss connections, and promote a deeper understanding of the common principles behind different approaches to morphological image processing.

Discretization of Morphology-type PDEs and Active Contours on Graphs
Petros Maragos (National Technical University of Athens)
Mathematical morphology for multispectral images
Andreas Kleefeld (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
Morphological operators on ultrametric spaces
Jesús Angulo (Center for Mathematical Morphology, Départ. de Mathématiques et Systèmes, MINES ParisTech)
Operator-algebraic approach to image processing of matrix fields
Bernhard Burgeth (Saarland University, Saarbrücken)
Michael Breuss (Brandenburg University of Technology)
Martin Welk (Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT))
mathematical morphology, partial differential equation models