Improving sharpness in geophysical imaging by TV-based regularizationMS34

Applied geophysics techniques for non destructive soil surveying include low frequency electromagnetic (EM) induction data processing. A nonlinear model is often required to correctly simulate the physical system in the presence of strong conductors. We will present a regularized Gauss-Newton algorithm aimed at processing the full complex signal detected by last generation devices, and incorporating a nonlinear regularizing term based on total variation, which may improve the sharpness of the reconstruction for 2D /3D domains.

This presentation is part of Minisymposium “MS34 - Numerical Linear Algebra techniques for Image Restoration and Reconstruction (2 parts)
organized by: Caterina Fenu (University of Cagliari) , Marco Donatelli (University of Insubria) .

Giuseppe Rodriguez (University of Cagliari)
Gian Piero Deidda (University of Cagliari)
Patricia Diaz De Alba (University of Cagliari)
Caterina Fenu (University of Cagliari)
Giulio Vignoli (University of Cagliari)
inverse problems, nonlinear optimization, numerical linear algebra