Robust Absolute EIT Imaging in 2DMS20

Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) uses harmless surface electrical measurements to image the interior conductivity/permittivity of an object. The EIT problem is a severely ill-posed nonlinear inverse problem requiring carefully designed algorithms for robust image reconstruction. Recovering "absolute/static" EIT images is particularly challenging and often thought impossible. No simulated guess solutions are required for the "Matrix D-bar Method" making it remarkably robust to incorrect electrode locations and boundary shape. Absolute reconstructions from experimental data are presented.

This presentation is part of Minisymposium “MS20 - Advances in Reconstruction Methods for Electrical Impedance Tomography (3 parts)
organized by: Melody Alsaker (Gonzaga University) , Samuli Siltanen (University of Helsinki) .

Sarah Hamilton (Marquette University)
d-bar methods, electrical impedance tomography, image reconstruction, inverse problems, non-iterative