Separation and Extraction of Structural Components in Astronomical ImagesMS9

Modern high-resolution images display extreme intensity variations on all spatial scales. They reveal very complex blends of compact sources, omnipresent filamentary structures, background molecular clouds, and instrumental noise. These structural components appear quite dissimilar in various wavebands with different angular resolutions, which further complicates the problem of automated detection and measurements of filaments and compact sources. It is very beneficial to flatten images and separate the structural components before their extraction.

This presentation is part of Minisymposium “MS9 - Innovative models and algorithms for astronomical imaging (2 parts)
organized by: Silvia Tozza (INdAM/Dept. Mathematics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”) , Marco Castellano (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma) , Maurizio Falcone (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza") , Adriano Fontana (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma) .

Alexander Menshchikov (DAp, IRFU, CEA Saclay, Paris)
image enhancement, image reconstruction, image segmentation