Recovery of piecewise smooth signals on manifolds using structured low-rank methodsMS47

We introduce a continuous domain framework for the recovery of points on a surface, which is represented as the zero-level set of a bandlimited function. We show that the exponential maps of the points satisfy some annihilation relations. The annihilation conditions are used to derive sampling conditions, and to develop kernel low-rank algorithms that will be used to recover free breathing and ungated cardiac MRI data from highly undersampled measurements.

This presentation is part of Minisymposium “MS47 - Splines in Imaging (3 parts)
organized by: Carolina Beccari (Dept. Mathematics, University of Bologna) , Virginie Uhlmann (EPFL, Lausanne) , Michael Unser (EPFL, Lausanne) .

Mathews Jacob (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa)
image reconstruction, kernel, levelset, machine learning