Applications of nonstationary wavelet filters in image processingMS47

We present a study concerning the construction, the properties and the applications in image processing of a family of nonstationary biorthogonal wavelet filterbanks. Such a family is generated by a class of functions satisfying level-dependent refinement equations and includes cardinal polynomial B-splines. Nonstationarity offers a greater flexibility and a better adaptation to the local image content, allowing for a more focused scale-space analysis and thus providing better results when compared to classical biorthogonal B-spline filters.

This presentation is part of Minisymposium “MS47 - Splines in Imaging (3 parts)
organized by: Carolina Beccari (Dept. Mathematics, University of Bologna) , Virginie Uhlmann (EPFL, Lausanne) , Michael Unser (EPFL, Lausanne) .

Vittoria Bruni (Dept. of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering, University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
Francesca Pitolli (Dept. of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering, University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
Mariantonia Cotronei (University of Reggio Calabria)
image compression, image enhancement, nonstationary biorthogonal wavelet filters, nonstationary multiresolution analysis