Spatial statistics extends co-localization analysis to non-local interaction analysisMS66

We reformulate the classical object-based co-localization measure in the context of spatial statistics. This allows us to generalize object-based co-localization analysis to a statistical framework over spatial point processes. The framework is based on a model of effective pairwise interaction potentials and the specification of a null hypothesis for the expected pattern in the absence of interaction. The classical object-based co-localization measure is included in our framework as a special case, highlighting several implicit assumptions.

This presentation is part of Minisymposium “MS66 - Spatial statistics in microscopy imaging
organized by: Charles Kervrann (Inria) .

Ivo Sbalzarini (TU Dresden / Max Planck Insitute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics)
co-localization analysis, interaction analysis, inverse problems, spatial statistics, statistical inverse estimation methods, stochastic processes