Innovative models and algorithms for astronomical imagingMS9

The next generation of astronomical imaging instruments provides the chance for an unprecedented step forward in our knowledge of how the universe evolved. It also poses incredible challenges due to the huge amount of data to be processed and the need for a precise and self-consistent analysis of images with widely different depths and resolutions. Defining new approaches to restore, segment and analyse such images is both a fundamental and a challenging task. By combining experiences from two different fields, astrophysics and mathematics, this minisymposium aims at creating an interdisciplinary bridge that can be an enrichment for both research areas.

Astronomical imaging in the era of cosmological surveys and giant telescopes: challenges and opportunities
Marco Castellano (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma)
Blind Deconvolution of galaxy survey images
Samuel Farrens (CEA)
Application of machine learning algorithm, based on clustering analysis, to detection and deblending of astronomical sources
Andrea Tramacere (ISDC Data Center for Astrophysics, University of Geneve)
An Inverse diffraction method for de-saturation of Extreme Ultraviolet images of solar eruptive events
Anna Maria Massone (CNR - SPIN)
Separation and Extraction of Structural Components in Astronomical Images
Alexander Menshchikov (DAp, IRFU, CEA Saclay, Paris)
An approximate nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm for astronomical imaging
Carmelo Arcidiacono (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
Accurate wavefront reconstruction for real-time AO with pyramid wavefront sensors
Victoria Hutterer (Industrial Mathematics Institute Johannes Kepler University, Linz)
Reconstruction of hard X-ray images of solar flares by means of compressed sensing
Michele Piana (Dept. Mathematics, University of Genoa)
Marco Castellano (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma)
Maurizio Falcone (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza")
Adriano Fontana (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma)
Silvia Tozza (INdAM/Dept. Mathematics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
adaptive optics, astronomical imaging, image deblurring, image enhancement, image processing, image segmentation, mathematical methods