Applications of Imaging Modalities beyond the Visible SpectrumMS3

Images are omnipresent in the modern world. We depend on images for progress in medicine, science and technology. Application areas of imaging modalities beyond the visible spectrum include synthetic aperture radar and sonar (SAR and SAS), acoustic imaging, x-ray tomography, and radio astronomy. These imaging modalities provide a platform for a cross fertilization between physical, mathematical, and engineering disciplines related to imaging, image formation, registration, change detection, and automatic feature detection. Because of the breadth involved in imaging modalities beyond the visible spectrum, presentations will highlight the interdisciplinary flavor of imaging methodologies and/or their applications.

Tue 05 June at 13:30 Matemates (Matemates, floor 0)
Coherence in Synthetic Aperture Sensor Imaging
G-Michael Tesfaye (Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City)
Automated repeat-pass processing of synthetic aperture sonar imagery
Oivind Midtgaard (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI))
Generative Acoustic Imaging Models with Applications
Jason C. Isaacs (Naval Surface Weapons Center - Panama City)
A statistics-based approach to image registration
J. Derek Tucker (Sandia National Laboratories)
Tue 05 June at 16:00 Matemates (Matemates, floor 0)
Parallel Regularized k-means Clustering in Image Analysis and Compression
Benjamin McLaughlin (NSWC-PCD)
Autonomous Naval Mine Countermeasures - single vehicle adaptive behaviours
Samantha Dugelay (NATO STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE))
A Deep Learning Approach to Modeling Expected Entropy Reduction in Imaging Sonar
Silvia Ferrari (Cornell University)
Clustering approaches to feature change detection
Max Gunzburger (Florida State University)
Max Gunzburger (Florida State University)
Janet Peterson (Florida State University)
G-Michael Tesfaye (Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City)
automatic feature recognition, change detection, coherent imaging (sar, holographic imagin), image compression, image registration, image segmentation, incoherent imaging, inverse problems, performance estimation, sas